Dust n Ruins - Get ready for a night of classic and alternative rock from groups like Tom Petty, Hollies, Black Crowes, ZZ Top Bill Idol, Bush, Kiss and much more. 830p-1230a, never a cover.
Join us for Open Jam Night! Stacey Collins, Scott Fanning, Dan Gorry and Mike Gilfone will bring sound gear and guitars, if you want to sing or play go for it or feel free to bring your own instruments and plug in. You don’t have to be a musician or singer, we’ll take all comers,
MaxCherry - Maxcherry plays music from all over the place. Hear classic rock, dance, R&B and a bit of country tossed in from bands like Lynyrd Skynyrd, Fleetwood Mac, Adele, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Chris Stapleton, Eric Clapton and more. 830p-1230a, never a cover.
Hot Koolaid hits you with hard rock, nu metal and metal alternative from the 90's and 00's. Get ready for Shinedown, STP, Metallica, Bush, Pearl Jam, Jet and much more. 830p-1230a, never a cover, non-smoking and no drink surcharges while the band plays.
Jerry Boschert - Jerry Boschert of Samurai 5 fame is bringing his Big in Japan One Man Band show on the road to Nightshift. But mellower, it is after all Wednesday Night Acoustic. There's no telling who he might bring out with him. 7p-11p, never a cover.